Why do people think things can just go back to normal?
After a trespass, a pandemic, a death.
There's trauma, assimilation, transformation
Nothing’s the same no matter how much you wanna turn back
So, what's for you in the past?
It may feel good like re-runs of your favorite TV show
But there's a reason season's come to an end
Actions have consequences-
And we seem to neglect how much damage has been done.
Damage, we can’t come back from
Ignorance, impatience, apologies...
Don’t make up for scars, skeletons, or bodies
Nothing will ever be the same.
Haunted by trauma, ghosts of our past-
But we continue to seek out solutions
Solutions, that won’t last...
For what? For money?
For fame or for fun?
Instant gratification never served anyone.
The world is opening back up so quick
I can’t keep up with the pace-
To be honest, I think it’s a mistake...
Why do people think things can just go back to normal?
After a trespass, a pandemic, a death
To be conscious in our healing, we should never forget...