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Updated: Apr 16, 2020

A Journal Entry From April 2019.

This week I’ve heard so many opinions. From friends, family, lovers, and associates. But if I learned one thing from all of them it’s that none of them matter. Over the past 4 months, I’ve gone through 2 breakups. Falling out of love, in love and even burying someone very special to me and now to top it all I’m moving to the other side of the country. Despite going through a roller coaster of emotions I’ve managed to stay headstrong. Anxiety-ridden yes, but I still have a sense of clarity and above all, I’m sure of my purpose and what I want. Out of myself and life which is more than most can say.

I’ve been lied to, heartbroken, told I’m making a huge mistake and to forget it and keep it pushing. And that’s not even half of the feedback I received. But as I analyze and criticize myself. I think of the individuals who’ve biasly spoke their peace. Just as they know me, I know them. The inner workings of their relationships, their agendas, good traits and bad. People view you through their own lens. So it dawned on me that we all have issues, traumas, quirks, and feelings. No one is better than the other but my decisions are my own. As I described my loved ones before, we are individuals. Individuals who want different things from this world and are judging each other according to our own past.

The only opinion that serves you is your own because it’s based on your desires, morals, and experiences. Listen and filter. What you choose to receive or reject is on you and today I adhere to my own advice.


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