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Nail Health

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

Acrylic, gel, dips, SNS… we’ve all been there. Something is so attractive about luscious long nails. However when it’s time for those bad boys to come off, excuse my french but- it’s a b*tch. Metrocard removal, soaking and old fashion biting. The results are all the same: BROKEN, WEAK, EVEN FUNGAL INFECTED, PAPERTHIN NAILS. Nobody wants that! I admit, sometimes I get jealous of my co-workers and the sound of their acrylic nails hitting the keyboard but then- I remember my strong long nails are healthy and happy. I don’t need to spend $30-$80 to make them look decent and a coat of polish will have them looking just as good as everyone else's.


Accept the fact that you’re going to have to live with short nails for a while. (I know, it’s a bummer but..) Trust the process!

  • First, buy a good nail oil for multi-benefits or start off with rubbing olive oil on your nail beds.

  • Stay hydrated! Drinking more water can be the answer to almost anything. However, you’d be surprised how many beauty benefits there are from getting in your 64 ounces a day. Doing your body the favor of nourishing it with water will help prevent dryness and flaking, also helps your nails grow faster.

  • Moisturize! We wash our hands every time we the bathroom right? (Or at least I hope we all do) But moisturizing after each wash is never or rarely taught. So let's break this down real quick. According to the Bladder and Bowel Community the average person uses the bathroom 4-10 times a day and if you’re properly hydrating, believe me, you’re at 10. So that’s 10 times you’re drying out your skin without replenishing your hands and nails natural moisture. You need to lotion! Yeah, I said it like when your mom told you a child to get them ashy elbows, lotion your hands and prevent brittle nails! I recommend using natural hand lotions or anything with vitamin e and my personal favorite is a hemp-based one.

  • Maintenance! Always keeping a nail file on you can arguably be one of the best tips here. With the inevitable wear you’ll have, filing your nails from time to time is essential. If you neglect a tiny cut it could catch on something and create a big breakage. Wearing polish will help prevent any peeling by creating a seal over them and preserving their condition. And as long as you take breaks to oil your nails, polishing will definitely be of benefit to you.

In my natural nail journey, I’ve gone from chipping and breaking all the time to banging my nail at a straight angle into the wall and only having a slight dent. Trust me it was definitely a miracle granted upon me from my transition. I know you’ve felt the pain of hitting your acrylic or gel up against something and thinking you’ve lost your nail entirely and pray the damage isn’t too bad. Believe it or not but with all the hydrating and moisturizing you’ll do it will cause them to not only be strong but flexible, bending without breaking. With all these tips your nails will become their own little entities thriving and growing free. Protecting themselves from any accidents that may harm. It’s a beautiful thing, you should try it!


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