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Mona Lisa

Updated: Jul 4, 2020

If you mean something to me you should meet her as well,

She’s an extension of me,

A piece of me,

And I’d be proud to present her to you,

For I devote some much of time to this masterpiece.

You should see my efforts-

She is proof of them,

You should know my love-

She embodies it,

You should feel my beauty,

She casts a fine reflection.

For rich or for poor I’ll always have riches,

We value materials,

But I-

I’ve never disregarded the rewards of a bond.

My Mona Lisa baffles them,

Spectators wish they could get closer,

In the back of the line at the museum stricken with envy,

Others try to compete,

But forget...

The timeless connection between the creation and the creator.

To dust the artist goes,

Although his painting is not deceased,

She lives on for him and smiles because he is no better than she.

In the face of my masterpiece enemies will be scorned,

No weapons,

On the brink of war,

As long as I have her,

The world will know of my reign forevermore.

If you want to get to know me,

You should get to know the history of our journey,

See the fruits of my companionship,

Cherish the adoration that can occupy my vessel.

All behold one of the greatest gifts sent to me from God,

I no longer know whether this relationship is something I created or something that made me,

She’s my Mona Lisa.


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